This guide describes how to prepare contributions for submission. We recommend you read this in full if you have not previously submitted a contribution to The European Entomologist. We also recommend that, before submission, you familiarize yourself with The European Entomologist’s style and content by reading the journal, either in print or online, particularly if you have not submitted to the journal recently.

The European Entomologist, the journal of the Sphingidae Museum Příbram, publishes original research papers (contributions) on the taxonomy, faunistics and ecology of Lepidoptera (moths & butterflies). The journal was founded in 2007 and is published quarterly by Ekologické centrum Orlov, o.p.s., Orlov 79, 261 01 Příbram, Czech Republic. Full papers (the limit for a single issue is 64 pages), as well as short notes and reviews, are accepted. Double issues when there are significantly more pages will be considered. Submitted manuscripts must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Correspondence should be addressed to: The European Entomologist editorial board, Orlov 79, 261 01, Czech Republic,

Manuscripts intended for publication should be written in clear and concise English. The text of manuscripts should be organised as follows: informative and concise title; author (s) name (s), full postal and e-mail addresses; key words (up to five key words should be listed that are not part of the title); abstract (400 words maximum); introduction; material and methods; results; discussion; conclusions; acknowledgements; references; tables; figure legends and appendices (if any). An equivalent abstract in a second language is accepted if desired. Manuscripts are submitted electronically as a single MS-Word file with text, tables and figure captions. Use a standard 12 point font (e.g Times New Roman), except for Keywords, References and Figure Legends, which should be in 10 point. Do not justify or break words at the right margin. Do not use footnotes or format indentation (no tab stops, no spaces). Latin words must be written legibly and will be typeset in italics. Zoological nomenclature should be consistent with the rules of the ICZN (4th edition 1999). For other details on format, authors should consult a recent issue of The European Entomologist or contact the Editorial Board if necessary. All papers are reviewed by the editorial board.


Figures and tables must be numbered in the order they are cited in the text. All figures must be submitted as separate files – one file for each figure number. Do not integrate figures within the text or to plates (plates are not accepted). Figures in DOC (Word), XLS (Excel) or PDF formats are not acceptable.

Line drawings (vector graphics) High-quality (600dpi) electronic drawings should be submitted in EPS or CDR format. The inscriptions should be clearly legible, minimum 8-point font of an Arial type. The minimum line width is 0.2 mm (e.g., 0.567 pt) relative to the final size.

Halftone illustrations (grayscale and colour photos) Half-tone illustrations should be submitted as TIFF ideally with a resolution of 600 dpi, although a minimal resolution of 300 dpi is acceptable. Save colour illustrations as CMYK. The inscriptions on halftone figures should be clearly legible.

References should be formatted as follows:


D'Abrera, B. L. [1987]: Sphingidae Mundi. Hawk Moths of the World. E. W. Classey, Faringdon, Oxon.

Gagne, W. C. & Howarth, F. G. 1982: Conservation Status of Endemic Hawaiian Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Third Congress of European Lepidopterology. Societus European Lepidopterologica, Karluhe. Cambridge: pp. 74–84.

Saitou, N. & Nei, M. (1987): The neighbor-joining method: A new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees. Molecular Biology and Evolution 4: 406–425.

Schröder, H. (1967): Die Typen und Typoide des Natur-Museums Senckenberg, 38: Insecta, Lepidoptera, Hepialidae. Senckenbergiana biologica 48 (5/6): 337–344.